Indicative of the diversity in military or civilian life, service, rank and geographic location within the colonies of our ancestral Patriots, the men and women listed below have been identified and documented by our current members in the Hampton Chapter, NSDAR. We would be delighted to help you document your lineage to an American Revolutionary War Patriot and add them to this roll call of honor.
Service of each Patriot is indicated by their military rank or designation of Civil Service (CS) or Patriotic Service (PS). Military Service in the Revolution began, with a few exceptions, with the Battle of Lexington, 19 April 1775 and ended on 26 Nov 1783, the date that the British evacuated New York. Civil Service is the term used to designate certain activities that supported the formation of the new patriotic government but were not military in nature. Individuals who held the offices of Selectman, Moderator or Justice of the Peace in local patriotic governments are among those who can be credited with Civil Service. Patriotic Service is the term to designate certain activities that supported the overall war effort, but that were not military in nature. Common types of patriotic service include: furnishing supplies to the army, paying supply taxes to support the war effort, signing an Oath of Allegiance to the patriotic government, and serving on local Committees that were made necessary by the war effort.
Service | Patriot Name | State |
Private | Jonathan Adams | SC |
Patriotic Service | Isaac Armstrong | NC |
Lieutenant Colonel / Civil Service / Patriotic Service | Jephthah Atherton | NC |
Private | Samuel Auxier | VA |
Private | David Babbitt | MA |
Private | Conrad Barnhart | PA |
Private | George Batterson | CT |
Patriotic Service | John Blair | PA |
Patriotic Service | Andrew Bowers | SC |
Patriotic Service | Abraham Brown | VA |
Private / Patriotic Service | Nicholas Cassell | PA |
Patriotic Service | Charles Champion | VA |
Patriotic Service | Thomas Covington | VA |
First Lieutenant | William Roe Cunningham | VA |
Private | Starling Daniels | MA |
Private | Henry Durant | SC |
Patriotic Service | Coenraad Elmendorf | NY |
Civil Service / Patriotic Service | Oliver Ellsworth | CT |
Civil Service | Thomas Gillikin, Sr. | NC |
Patriotic Service | Jeremiah Hadley | NC |
Private | Samuel Harris | NC |
Private | Levin Hyslop | VA |
Lieutenant | Cornelius Ironmonger | VA |
Patriotic Service | Margaret Eskridge Kenner | VA |
Private | John Kersey | VA |
Private | Simeon King, Jr. | MA |
Sergeant | Simeon King, Sr. | MA |
Private | John King | MD |
Major / Civil Service | Robert Lide | SC |
Private | John Livingston | SC |
Patriotic Service | George Lohr | PA |
Civil Service | George Long | SC |
Patriotic Service | George Malone | VA |
Corporal | George Mcdole | NY |
Civil Service / Patriotic Service | William Mead | VA |
Sergeant | James Murphy | MA |
Civil Service | Joshua Phelps | MA |
Private / Patriotic Service | Hendrick Post | NY |
Patriotic Service | Jacob Prilliman | VA |
Captain / Patriotic Service | Denison Robinson | MA |
Captain | William Saunders | VA |
Sergeant | Edmund Sherman | CT/NY |
Private | Thomas Shockley | VA |
Private | Stephen Sink | PA |
Private | Jacob Snufer | PA |
Private | Jacob Souder | VA |
Captain | Augustus Stanton | RI |
Captain / Patriotic Service | John Stoner | MD |
Private | Augustus Storrs | CT |
Private | Caleb Stout | NJ |
Patriotic Service | Jacob Strickler | VA |
Corporal | Elisha Strout | MA |
Private | Daniel Sumner | VT |
Private | Notley Tippett | MD |
Colonel | Armistead Watlington | VA |
Private | James Weaver | RI |
Captain | Benjamin Whaley | VA |
Lieutenant Colonel | Thomas Branch Wilson | VA |