The Hampton Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, has been active since January 23, 1900. The chapter was formed in commemoration of the battle that occurred on October 24, 1775, between British naval forces and the citizens of Hampton.
Hampton is the oldest continuous English-speaking settlement in America, chartered July 9, 1610.
On February 15, 1900, the Board of Management of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution officially approved the organization of the Hampton Chapter, NSDAR.
DAR has over 190,000 members in over 3,000 chapters in the United States and abroad. Any woman who descends from a Patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for membership.
The purpose of DAR is to perpetuate the memory and the spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence, to promote the development of an enlightened public opinion, and to foster patriotic citizenship – these are the objectives of our society, Daughters of the American Revolution.